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Cambridge mayor to host community safety town hall

The town hall will take place Thursday, July 13 at 6 p.m.
A town hall about community safety will be held on July 13.

With resident’s concerns regarding community safety rising, specifically around the encampment at 150 Main St, Mayor Jan Liggett will be hosting a town hall on the matter on July 13 in the Old City Hall Council Chambers.

The Office of Mayor and Council confirmed that the public session will cover issues about the encampment, along with any other concerns residents may have in the community.

Guest speakers from the the city, the Region of Waterloo and the Waterloo Regional Police Service will be on hand to give insight and input.

Seating inside the council chambers will be limited and additional seating will be available with viewing of the meeting in the Bowman Room at 150 Dickson St.

City council recently voted down a motion brought forward by Ward 4 councillor Ross Earnshaw that would have called on the provincial government to commit to ending homelessness by forming partnerships with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and community groups to develop, resource and implement an action plan to achieve the goal. 

Earnshaw says he has been inundated with emails from the residents in the neighbourhood of the encampment requesting action.

While the issue remains a top priority for council, its powers are limited given the encampment is on regional property and housing, policing and public health are all responsibilities of the region.

Coun. Adam Cooper sent a letter to regional council earlier this week criticizing the region's lack of action to remove the encampment and demanding something be done immediately despite whatever legal challenge it poses. 

The general public will have the opportunity to ask questions as part of the town hall.

It will begin at 6 p.m. run no later than 8 p.m.


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