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Cambridge woman wins Rotary's 'Catch the Ace' lottery

Emilee Gagnier will donate some of the $83,000 to KidsAbility and will also use some to make her home more accessible for her parents

Emilee Gagnier is the most recent winner of Rotary K-W's 'Catch the Ace' lottery.

The Cambridge resident's online card choice revealed the Ace of Spades. It was the final chosen card of the deck of 52.

"My lucky number served me so well," said Gagnier, a physiotherapist who works in Kitchener and Guelph. "For weeks, I chose the same card number, sticking to my intuition to keep playing it while watching for patterns."

Gagnier plans to donate some of her $83,000 in winnings to KidsAbility, plus make her home more accessible for her parents.

Her dad is a stroke survivor and her mother is waiting to have a second knee surgery. "As their daughter, I want my parents to always have somewhere safe and accessible for them, even if it is a few hours up the 401." she added.

This time around, net proceeds from the lottery went to KidsAbility.