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Chalk the Walk aims to send students back to school feeling empowered

Residents are encouraged to write positive messages for their neighbours in sidewalk chalk
West Galt will be covered in encouraging messages over the coming weeks in hopes of sending students back to school with a positive mindset.

Feelings of anxiety and stress often accompany students as they embark on a new school year.

They’re emotions Elyse Bouwmeester and several members of the Galt community are trying to help kids overcome as they make their way to the classroom on the first day of school.

Bouwmeester, with the assistance of the West Galt Neighbours Facebook page, will be taking to the streets equipped with sidewalk chalk to write positive messages and words of encouragement between now and Sept. 5 during their Chalk the Walk initiative.

“I think bringing the community together is so important,” Bouwmeester said.

“With mental health struggles on the rise in younger people, I think it's our job as a community to show that we do love and care about our students. My hope is that kids walking to school on the first day will feel happy and empowered reading these messages along the way.”

Scribbling positive words and art on the sidewalk was popular during the pandemic as people faced isolation and lockdowns.

Waterloo regional police also ran a similar initiative during back-to-school in 2021 when they encouraged the community to write safety messages and tips on neighbourhood walkways.

Now Bouwmeester wants to get all of Galt in on the fun.

“We as a whole are spending so much time online and less time outside face to face,” she said.

“West Galt is a wonderful place to live and I think one of the things that makes it so great is our strong sense of community. It's a great thing to connect with your neighbours. Neighbours look out for one another.”

Bouwmeester, a real estate agent by day, is no stranger to bringing the community together in her spare time. In the past year she’s helped organize an Easter egg hunt and a Teddy Bear picnic in Victoria Park, and is an avid supporter of local businesses.

With the help of her son, she's already been out delivering chalk to houses in the neighbourhood and hopes families will share photos and inspiring stories after the first day of school.

“I'm hoping that people just feel happy, inspired and cared for."