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City increases 'green fleet' with $100K in new electric vehicles

City adds two new electric vehicles to bylaw department while aiming for fully electric fleet by 2025
City of Cambridge increases 'Green Fleet' with new electric vehicles

The City of Cambridge is on its way to a fully electric fleet of bylaw vehicles with two new additions. 

The city is looking to have a complete fleet of electric vehicles for its bylaw department by 2025. 

"This is a key component of the city’s target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, a key action to combat climate change identified in the City’s Strategic Plan," said the city's interim communications director, Allison Jones. 

With a total of seven bylaw vehicles to be converted to EV, they have just passed the half way point with 57 per cent of their fleet being completely green. 

According to Mike Hewlett, fleet manager, EVs are very competitive in cost in comparison.

"You could estimate a basic EV cost to be around 10 per cent more than an internal combustion vehicle once rebates and size and specifications are considered," said Hewlett. "The EVs are similar in costs as they were in 2020, although the province of Ontario removed the $5,000 rebate where as the federal government maintains their rebates dependant on what model vehicle it is."

There is also some costs to build the charging infrastructure which is generally shared among the city's EVs so that extra cost will be minimal, added Hewlett.

The new additions to the city's 'Green Fleet' are 2023 Hyundai Konas, listed at $46,624 MRPS. 

The city has also recently bought two new electric ice resurfacers at over $100,000 a piece.  

"We will continue to look at optimizing our fleet in our efforts to reduce our emissions wherever they can operationally fit," said John Mattocks, head of city bylaw.