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City offering free trees to residents on Sept. 24

Residents who want a free tree from the City of Cambridge must register before picking up
dig it photo tree planting

The city wants to encourage more residents to improve air quality, fight climate change and increase property values by planting trees. 

So, it's giving away free trees, while supplies last, to residents on Saturday, Sept. 24.

Four native tree species are available to choose from; tulip, eastern flowering dogwood, eastern redbud and downy serviceberry. 

Each are approximately one meter tall in two-gallon containers. 

Residents must complete a form to request your tree! 

Everyone registering must be a resident of the City of Cambridge, the tree must be planted on private property, and all locates must be done prior to planting.

Only one tree is available per address, while supplies last, and residents are responsible for planting, watering and maintaining the tree.

Everyone registered to get a tree can pick it up at the Bishop Street Operations Centre – 1310 Bishop Street North (enter from Bishop Street) between 8 a.m. and noon on Sept. 24. This is a drive-thru, contactless pick up.

Everyone must provide ID that proves your name and address to verify your tree selection at pick up.