The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce program, Doctors4Cambridge, along with their partners, are pleased to announce this year we will welcome 10 first-year medical students from the University of Ottawa and University of Toronto, for ROMP (Rural Ontario Medical Program) Week from June 3 to 7.
This is a week in which various communities in Ontario host medical students at the beginning of their program to give them an opportunity to receive hands-on medical experience with family doctors and specialists and get to know our communities. We have had success with students from past ROMP week experiences settling in the area upon graduation.
As they have just finished their first year of medical school the students also need some relaxation and fun! We also want them to get to know Cambridge and hopefully return for their rotations throughout medical school and eventually think of us when they graduate.
A number of activities have been planned:
- Monday we begin the week at Cambridge City Hall, with students getting the opportunity to discover our City by participating in a scavenger hunt in the downtown core!
- Tuesday and part of Wednesday the students will shadow family physicians and then Wednesday afternoon get the chance to relax by touring Langdon Hall and taking a canoe trip down The Grand River led by the Ancient Mariners.
- Thursday the students will shadow a specialist at Cambridge Memorial Memorial Hospital.
- Friday the students will participate in a suturing clinic at CMH.
It is always a fun and educational week for the students, their preceptors and for our committee. The students are eager to see actual medical procedures and learn about Cambridge. Over the years we have seen the success of this program with previous students returning to Cambridge on rotations while attending medical school.
We would like to thank the Rural Ontario Medical Program in helping to finance this week as well as our community partners.