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Region vaccinates 1,200 at first drive-thru vaccination clinic

Appointments met with heavy demand
Vaccination volunteer "Jeremy" poses for a quick photo at the region's Drive-thru vaccination clinic.

The first of its kind in the region, Sunday saw Bingemans in Kitchener home to a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination clinic – offering doses to residents looking to get the jab in an accessible, convenient way. With over 1,200 doses administered, that clinic administered vaccines to six lanes of traffic, accommodating appointments for those 12 and older for first and second doses, while also offering first dose walk-ins throughout the afternoon.

Vickie Murray is the operations lead for the region’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, and said the idea for a drive-thru vaccination clinic was informed by both the local experience of fixed mass vaccination clinics, and that of Durham’s public health unit which has already offered several drive-thru clinics to their population. According to Murray, the day’s efforts started slow with volunteers and staff clearing visitors so quickly they were left “waiting for people” - though after opening up 300 additional appointments in the afternoon, the clinic was booming with bumper-to-bumper attendees eager to get their shot.

“Always, the most important thing is vaccine in arms” said Murray. “We want to make an accessible clinic that’s another option for people to get their vaccines.”

Murray called the Sunday drive-thru clinic a “trial," as she said the region and its distribution task force intend to learn from the experience and decide how to move forward with future clinics. And while Murray indicated there are no “solid plans” for more drive-thru vaccination clinics, she did note that “everything’s on the table.”

“The Region of Waterloo is finding new and creative ways to get as many people vaccinated as quickly as possible in the community. More than a thousand people received their vaccine today without even having to leave their vehicle,” wrote Murray in a release to 570 NEWS. “The rollout is accelerating and becoming even easier for people to get their vaccine.”

“With the help of valued community partners like Bingemans, we’ll continue to get even more vaccines into arms.”

Visiting the drive-thru clinic on Sunday was the region’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, who called the initiative “spectacular” as she expressed gratitude for the staff, volunteers and residents who stepped up to forward the region’s vaccination efforts.

“We’re very grateful to Bingemans for allowing us to partner like this,” said Wang. “… because now we’re getting lots more vaccine, we’re able to open up many more spots and types of clinics. We’re going to continue to accelerate – you’ll see. Next week, we’re going to be opening up even more spots.”

Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic was also present in the earlier hours of the drive-thru vaccination clinic, as he expressed his excitement watching individuals and families roll through for their first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccine. With extra support flowing from the province to Toronto and Peel to help combat COVID-19, Vrbanovic said he was glad to see further vaccine supply flowing to the region, as he noted that more supply and staffing resources will be needed to continue getting vaccine into arms as quickly as possible.

“Bingemans has a longtime history in our community as being a place where the community comes to gather, often for celebration. In many ways, people coming through today were celebrating their first or second shot, really looking towards a summer where they can gather with friends again…” said Vrbanovic. “What we want to do is continue to keep that level of interest up, look for creative ways to get people out (to get vaccinated) and to make it as convenient and available as possible. "