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(UPDATE:) Eight new cases reported in region on Friday

There are currently 93 reported active cases in the region and nine people hospitalized
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Region of Waterloo COVID update for Friday, Oct. 22.

Hospitalized in Waterloo Region: 9 hospitalized, 1 in ICU.

Vaccinations: 905,580 total doses given to Waterloo Region residents; 439,996 fully vaccinated; 86.77 per cent of region 12+ fully vaccinated

Waterloo Region

Positive cases to date: 19,970

New cases: 8

Deaths to date: 302

Active cases: 98

Active outbreaks: 1

Tests completed: 615,117

Cambridge cases to date by neighbourhood

North Cambridge: 200 (-)

Hespeler: 760 (-1)

Central Preston: 573 (+1)

Lang’s Farm/Industrial: 256 (-)

North Galt/Elgin Park: 742 (+2)

Shade’s Mills: 628 (+1)

Southwood/Southwest Galt: 425 (-1)

Galt City Centre/South Galt: 564 (-)

Southeast Galt: 451 (-)

Blair: 13 (-)

– all data provided by Public Health


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