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Scorpions beach volleyball program expanding to Riverside Park

Nine-week program begins in June at Shade's Mills and Riverside Park
Scorpions Youth Volleyball Club

Growing interest in beach volleyball has led the Scorpions Youth Volleyball Club to expand its program this summer from Shade's Mills to Riverside Park in Preston.

The Scorpions welcome about 500 youth in their summer beach programs, which in the past ran Monday to Thursday nights at Shade’s Mills Conservation Area.

The development programs start the last week of May. Their Shade’s Mill Monday and Tuesday nights programs are already sold out for Grades 4,5,6 and 7.

To meet the demand the club has added a new location and time.

The location is Riverside Park Sand Courts. The time will be Saturdays 10 a.m.. It starts the first week June 1 and runs for nine weeks. It is for all those in Grade 4,5,6 and 7 now.

" It is amazing to see the continual growth of our youth beach volleyball program in Cambridge," said Tina Castelli, president of Scorpions Volleyball Club, in a press relase. "We hope to have 600 athletes in our program this summer due to these new time slots. I want to thank our beach coaches that make this all possible.” 

The cost of the program is $125. It includes your nine Saturday sessions, t-shirt and participation in a tournament.

There are still vlimited spots at Shade’s Mills for the Wednesday night Grade 8 program and the Thursday night high school program.

For more information and how to register go to the website.