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Region's warning system adds missing vulnerable people to alerts

Police partner on notifications sent using Alert Waterloo Region to add missing persons to the system
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Waterloo Regional Police Service is partnering with Alert Waterloo Region to implement a new emergency notification system that includes notifications about vulnerable missing people.

Alert Waterloo Region (ALERTWR) launched in 2019 and allows residents to receive important public safety messages in the event of large-scale emergencies such as floods, severe weather, or significant power outages.

Residents and businesses near an emergency are informed using geo-mapping technology and notifications can be delivered to home phones, mobile phones, text, and email.

Emergency Preparedness Week marks the first time ALERTWR will add notifications for missing persons to its system.

This will allow residents to be notified of vulnerable missing people in their area.

The notification will provide descriptions, last known locations, and other information that is important to know about the incident.

More information about the system and ways residents can prepare themselves for emergencies will be part of the free WRPS open house this Saturday at 200 Maple Grove Road, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The family event includes food trucks, musical entertainment, train rides, rock climbing, mini golf and more.

For more information on ALERTWR and to sign up for notifications, visit to receive important public safety messages in the event of local large-scale emergencies and to learn about seasonal risks.