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MP Bryan May is committed to making life more affordable in Cambridge while supporting economic growth

Budget 2024 promotes housing expansion, childcare spaces, access to dental care and support for small and medium-sized businesses

If there is one overarching issue that MP Bryan May hears consistently from his constituents in Cambridge, it’s their concerns over the affordability crisis.

MP May says, “I think affordability is on everyone’s minds, whether it’s housing, food, or everyday items, the issues around affordability are absolutely the most significant issues that I hear. Our government is listening to the issues and the theme of Budget 2024 is “Fairness for Every Generation,” which comes through in every aspect of the budget.

Making housing more affordable

Budget 2024 underscores the Liberal government’s commitment to creating the conditions to build more affordable housing. MP May says, “Affordable housing is not a problem in this country, it’s a solution. It’s more than having somewhere to sleep. It’s a solution to finding a job, returning to school, keeping a family together, and being able to put a decent meal on the table. Affordable housing is a solution to drug addiction and mental health support. If you do not have a home or somewhere safe and affordable to call home, those other things are impossible.”

MP May points to the $4 billion Housing Accelerator Fund which encourages local initiatives to build more houses faster. The City of Cambridge reached a $13.3 million agreement to fast-track 357 housing units over the next 3 years. This deal will help spur the construction of more than 3,600 homes across the city over the next decade MP May says, “The National Housing Strategy is a 10-year plan which also requires the provinces to be at the table. So far, we’ve invested almost $43 billion.” Earlier this year, the federal government removed the GST from new rental unit developments which has enticed developers to build more rental units, including in Waterloo Region.

Making childcare more affordable and available

Budget 2024 invests over a billion dollars in loans to organizations, provinces, and regions, not just to bring the costs down but to build more childcare spaces and hire more childcare professionals.

MP May says, “We’re forgiving student loans for students who are graduating from Early Childhood Education programs.”

Helping low-income individuals and families

Budget 2024 includes a $1 billion National School Food Program to feed children whose families are facing food insecurity. A lack of nutritious food can contribute to behavior problems and compromise a child’s ability to learn. MP May says, “This program strives to feed over 400,000 children each year. It brings costs down, saving families about $800 each year.”

The Canadian Dental Care Plan has provided dental care to eligible seniors and as of June 1st, children can begin receiving care as the next phase of coverage is introduced. MP May says, “Dental costs are very high, and many people can’t afford oral healthcare at this time, so they neglect it. Oral healthcare is healthcare, and this program gets at the root of the issue.”

Solidifying universal healthcare not only includes oral healthcare but also the medications that people need. The federal government is phasing in a national universal pharmacare program. MP May says, “We’re starting off slowly by covering contraceptives and insulin. We really need to phase this in to ensure the provinces are along with us.”

Supporting small and medium-sized business

Bryan May is an advocate for investments to promote small and medium-sized businesses. He points out that Canada’s small businesses aren’t small – they make up 98% of all businesses in Canada’s economy.

In collaboration with innovation and tech hubs across Canada, MP May is leading the conversation about leveraging federal purchasing power to support entrepreneurs, grow the economy, and create more good jobs for Canadians. Budget 2024 outlines the government’s intention to legislate procurement targets for small businesses and innovative firms. “This is a game changer. It will have a huge positive impact on our economy.”

This year’s federal budget includes investments in A.I. and quantum mechanics which are significant to the tech hub that is Waterloo Region. MP May says, “Those two innovations are going to have a massive impact on all businesses across the country, not just tech businesses.”

In 2021, MP May introduced a Right-to-Repair Private Member’s Bill, which carves out a specific and limited allowance for consumers to circumvent a Technological Protection Measure to diagnose, maintain, or repair a device with embedded software. This bill was re-introduced by MP Wilson Miao in 2022, elements of which were adopted into the 2023 Fall Economic Statement and

Budget 2024. Many manufacturers require a code or specific piece of equipment to complete repairs, which are costly or only available through a manufacturer. Right-to-Repair legislation gives more power and protection to consumers, particularly farmers in rural communities, who can freely and accessibly repair their devices. It also extends the life of everyday products, keeping e-waste out of landfills and protecting the environment.

Committed to serving the community

Since first being elected in 2015, Bryan May has served in various roles in the federal government. He has served as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence. In September, May was appointed to the dual roles of Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Small Business and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Economic Development for Southern Ontario.

Previously, Bryan May spent many years working in the non-profit sector for organizations like the YMCA and the Boys and Girls Club. He gained a valuable perspective working on the frontlines with people who are struggling with issues like food insecurity and the inability to find affordable childcare. He says, “I approached my role as MP from a public service perspective. What drew me to politics was the idea that it’s another level of serving my community.”

Contact Member of Parliament Bryan May: Call (519) 624-7440 to book an appointment.

Email him at [email protected] or find him online here.  The Constituency Office is located at 534 Hespeler Road, Suite A4, Cambridge, N1R 6J7.