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LETTER Councillor's decorum during budget process was disrespectful

'Councillor Shwery's apparent lack of respect for her colleagues and those who work tirelessly to ensure our city functions efficiently is alarming,' writes reader who watched Tuesday's budget debate

CambridgeToday received the following letter from Jeff Dunnett regarding his concerns about the conduct of a city councillor at a recent meeting.

I am writing to express my deep concern and disappointment with Councillor Helen Shwery's behaviour during the recent budget process.

It has come to my attention through watching the Feb. 13 meeting that the level of respect and decorum expected from our elected officials was notably absent in her interactions with fellow councillors and city staff.

This is not only disheartening but undermines the very fabric of our democratic process and the spirit of collaboration that is essential for effective governance.

Councillor Shwery's apparent lack of respect for her colleagues and those who work tirelessly to ensure our city functions efficiently is alarming.

Such behaviour not only disrupts the constructive dialogue necessary for making informed decisions but also sets a concerning precedent for public conduct.

The council chambers should be a place of respectful debate, where differing opinions can be expressed freely yet civilly, allowing for the best outcomes for our community.

The budget process is a critical time for our city, requiring careful consideration and cooperation to allocate resources in a manner that best serves the interests of all residents. It is a time that demands the highest level of professionalism and courtesy from all involved. Disregard for these principles not only hampers the process but also erodes public trust in our elected representatives.

I urge councillor Shwery to reflect on her actions and consider the impact they have not only on her colleagues and city staff but also on the perception of the council as a whole.

It is imperative that our leaders set an example of respect, integrity, and collaboration. I also call upon the council to address this behaviour collectively, ensuring that a standard is set and maintained for civil discourse within the chamber.

Respect and civility are the cornerstones of effective governance. As a community, we must demand nothing less from those we elect to represent us.

Jeff Dunnett
