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Kinbridge hosting Cambridge backpack drive throughout the summer

Individuals, organizations and businesses can donate backpacks and school supplies until August 21
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Kinbridge Community Association will be collecting backpacks and school supplies until the end of August.

The Kinbridge Community Association will be working hard this summer to ensure no student heads back to school in September without the resources they need to succeed.

To achieve the goal, Kinbridge began a backpack drive on June 1 that will run until August 21.

Between those dates the organization will be collecting backpacks, school supplies and new or gently used shoes. The items will then be given to students in need of support between junior kindergarten and university.

“This idea came from a community need,” said Taylor Bulstrode, manager of community and social development and social services at Kinbridge.

“Kinbridge works directly in the community to help build a stronger neighbourhood. Coming out of the pandemic, we have seen a sharp increase in the cost of food, housing and utilities. Nearly 40 per cent of Cambridge low-income housing is in the Kinbridge neighbourhood.”

The program, which has been running for several years, promotes equality and inclusivity by bridging the gap between students who have the means to purchase supplies and those who don’t, Bulstrode says.

While rising costs continue to put financial strain on household budgets, an initiative like a backpack drive can help alleviate further stress on families.

“Kinbridge's initiatives, such as backpack drives have a tangible impact on the community,” Bulstrode said.

“Families are facing increased financial pressures, especially at the start of the school year when expenses like school supplies can add up.”

Once the items have been collected, staff will work on putting the backpacks together. Then a call will be put out to local schools and the wider community to gather information on which students are in need.

There are a number of ways people can support the drive, from donating items and volunteering to simply helping spread the word, every bit helps, Bulstrode says.

“By supporting this backpack drive community members can contribute to sustainable positive change,” she said.

“By participating in this initiative, people have the power to make a significant difference in the lives of children, youth and families right here in Cambridge. Together, we can ensure that every child and youth has an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive.”

Individuals, organizations and businesses can donate backpacks and supplies to Kinbridge’s main location at 200 Christopher Drive in Churchill Park Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 

Financial contributions are also being accepted and any community members who would like to volunteer in the organization and distribution of backpacks can call 519-624-3855 or email [email protected].

For more information on the Kinbridge Community Association and its services visit