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Home buyers and owners get a boost from three fresh mortgage rules

Home buyers and owners get a boost from three fresh mortgage rules

Better late than never — will recent rule changes make a difference or just push up home prices?
Thanksgiving weekend fall fair promises fun for all ages

Thanksgiving weekend fall fair promises fun for all ages

172 Rockton World’s Fair includes midway, exhibits, contests, food, artisans, and demo derby
Mortgages for those who don't meet the banks approval process exist

Mortgages for those who don't meet the banks approval process exist

Ontario-Wide Financial is ready to help you
Experience the difference at Specsavers Cambridge

Experience the difference at Specsavers Cambridge

Affordable eye care for everyone
Back-to-school blues? Cambridge Public Library can help!

Back-to-school blues? Cambridge Public Library can help!

Cambridge Public Library has a great collection of kid-centred resources to support your child’s learning
Cyber threats that keep Canadians up at night and how you can stay safe

Cyber threats that keep Canadians up at night and how you can stay safe

As more Canadians move their personal information online, cybersecurity is no longer simply an option, it’s a must-have.
Concert with Addy-Tude happening October 5

Concert with Addy-Tude happening October 5

All-ages concert to raise funds for Sick Kids Hospital research initiatives
Enjoy advanced driver assistance features in this featured vehicle

Enjoy advanced driver assistance features in this featured vehicle

This low kilometre SUV is now available from Milburn’s Auto Sales & Service
10th Annual Ontario Festival of Small Halls hosts two special performances by Canadian legend Tom Cochrane

10th Annual Ontario Festival of Small Halls hosts two special performances by Canadian legend Tom Cochrane

Tom Cochrane will be performing on October 11 and 12, 2024
Elevate your everyday drive with this week's featured vehicle

Elevate your everyday drive with this week's featured vehicle

Upgrade your drive with this Lexus from Milburn’s Auto Sales & Service