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LETTER: Councillor's conduct was 'very encouraging and refreshing'

'She was there to represent her constituents, not to succumb to brow beating and stonewalling,' writes reader John Waylett.

CambridgeToday received the following letter applauding Coun. Helen Shwery's conduct during budget deliberations.

I am writing in response to the letter Councillor's Decorum During Budget Process Was Disrespectful.

I have no such view of Coun. (Helen) Shwery's conduct, and I watched the streamed budget deliberations in detail. I found her conduct to be very encouraging and refreshing. There was at least one councillor seeking rational explanations and justifications for major spending decisions that too many of the other councillors sat through blurry eyed and deaf eared, accepting without having a clue what they were agreeing to.

I hope their ward constituents saw this behaviour! The author says Councillor Shwery's conduct undermined the very fabric of our democratic process. This is laughable.

To the contrary, Coun. Shwery's behaviour reflects the very fabric of our democratic process. The author needs to go back and read a book on democratic principles. She was there to represent her constituents, not to succumb to brow beating and stonewalling for not following the "shut up and put up" party line. And she did this with full respect of others, grace, and dignity.

Thank you Coun. Shwery for standing up for the interests of your Ward 1 constituents.

John Waylett